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10 tips for an easy house cleaning 

How to easily clean your house?

Living in a clean house is one of the main keys to maintain a healthy mind. Unfortunately, it happens that we lake of time, making house cleaning real torture.

This why Houstherapie has brought to you some tips and tricks that will allow you to perfectly clean your interior with less time and effort!

So we have compiled below the best cleaning and housekeeping tips for a clean & tidy house.

One thing all these tips have in common? Simplicity!


Follow the guide and discover the tips below for a super clean, stress-free, and chemical-free home, let’s go!


Disinfect your sponges


A sponge can get very dirty and messy quite easily. Even worse, they can become a real nest for bacteria! Not ideal in the kitchen…

However, you don’t have to change your sponge every day.

Here’s a simple but super-effective way to disinfect your sponges. Simply leave your wet sponge in the microwave for 1 minute.



Clean your toilets

Coca-Cola, the ultimate solution!


Use the equivalent of a can and pour it directly into the toilet to clean it. the corrosive effect of the Coke and the phosphoric acid of the drink will get rid of the dirt in the toilet.

Just let it soak in for about 1 hour to make this trick really work.

We recommend that you remove the water in the toilet with your brush so that the Coke is less diluted. It’s much more effective!

A solution that is not harmful, and cheap to replace household products that are often too expensive.



Clean your blender

The smoothies are trendy! So it’s not surprising to find more and more blender-equipped kitchens.


The only really annoying thing is to clean the blender… It’s even sometimes real pain, we must admit it! This tip is quite stupid, and you have almost no need to do anything to get a blender like brand new!

All you need to do is to pour some hot water with a little dishwashing liquid and make your blender run! A quick rinse with clean water and you’re done. Do not put burning water when closing your blender tightly, this may cause a sudden rise of water because of the steam.



Cleaning your dishwasher

We hardly ever think about it, but it is important to clean the dishwasher because it doesn’t clean itself at the same time the dishes are being washed!

To prevent unpleasant odors from the dishwasher, we recommend cleaning it regularly.

This is a simple yet really easy tip, you have almost nothing to do to get the best result.

Run your empty dishwasher with only a glass of white vinegar. This tip will keep your dishwasher clean, and defatted.


Brighten up your sink

When it comes to the sink, our team is really obsessed with it. It must shine 7 days a week!

This tip allows you to make your sink shine while using natural products such as lemons and salt. Simply rub the sink with lemon and a little bit of salt to obtain a surprising result.


Air purification

Despite popular belief, the air inside the house is more polluted than the air outside!

Of course, the first step to clean air at home is to air the house as much as possible, even in winter.

But to truly purify and clean indoor air, consider the following trick, which is simple and very effective.

To cleanse the air in your apartment or house, we recommend tea tree essential oil that you mix in a little boiling water to purify it.


Remove animal fur from your carpet

Pets and carpet? It’s a duo that doesn’t excuse itself!

To remove animal hair easily from the carpet, you don’t have to bother with the vacuum cleaner, a simple squeegee is all you need!

Just use the glass squeegee on the carpet to finally get rid of the cat or dog hair on your carpet.


Sanitize your cutting board

The cutting board may quickly become a kitchen tool full of bacteria!

For cleaning and disinfecting your cutting board, use half a lemon, salt and that’s it. You still have to scrub, of course.

An eco-friendly and economical solution that consists of rubbing the cutting board with your half lemon.


Cleaning your TV screen

To eliminate the dust and stains on your TV screen, opt for a simple coffee filter!

Just pass the coffee filter gently over the screen for a stunning and super-efficient result.


Thanks for sharing!

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